Winter League 2022

Dear Members,

Well done to everyone who played their challenge matches and hopefully we are all match fit and ready to start our Winter League campaign this Sunday, January 30.  Fixture lists will be up on the noticeboard in the Clubhouse this evening.

As per the last round of leagues, all teams will receive an email from Smart Club with their team details.

This year, to avoid handling cash all team players will receive an invoice through Smart Club for their €10.00 league entry fee, so captains do not have to collect money from players. To pay the fee to other clubs, captains of teams who start with an away match and/or have more away matches then home matches, will be given appropriate monies by the tennis committee. All home matches will receive €10.00 from their opposition which they will then use to pay their away fixtures.

No refreshments are necessary. We will offer tea / coffee & biscuits to players waiting for other team members to finish matches but not supply sit down refreshments.

The captains responsibilities are to collect / give the €10.00 and to ensure there is a full team each week.  A list of subs will be available. 

Please contact Ciara or Gary if you have any queries and the best of luck to everyone.

Kind regards
The Tennis Committee 

County Wicklow Lawn Tennis Club