Dear Members,
The Tennis Committee would like to announce a new event in the club calendar this year – the inaugural CWLTC Spring Singles Championships.
The competition will run over two weeks during the course of the Easter holidays.
This tournament is a singles only event and will rival the Club Championships in importance. The Club has purchased some lovely silverware so let’s see who will be the first names on the trophies!
There will be three levels of competition for both men and women. Each level will have a perpetual trophy.
The first level is for class 3/4 players, the second level is for class 5/6 players and the third level is for class 7 and non-league players.
A plate event will take place for each level so more than one match is guaranteed. The main draw will be elimination, best of three sets. The first level will be best of three full sets, the second and third will be best of three sets with the third set a championship tiebreak.
Matches will be played in the evening and there will be no matches over the Easter weekend.
All rules and regulations are on the tournament software website, and to enter please click on the link below.
Kind regards
The Tennis Committee